T2A supports new work on a regular basis, which means this listing page will change as new work is taken on and existing work finishes. Contact us if you have a proposal, want to tell us about work you’re doing, or have a question about our current work which is listed below.

Zahid Mubarek Trust
The purpose of the grant is to improve the outcomes from the discrimination complaints system in prisons
The Howard League for Penal Reform
To identify young adults experiences on remand, areas for improvement and develop a delivery model for legal education in prison
Revolving Doors Agency
To embed knowledge of young adults and maturity in police led diversion services
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
To strengthen advocacy for young adults on key serious violence policies
Centre for Justice Innovation
To support police forces to incorporate diversion into the two tier out of court disposal framework
4 Front
To document the impact of the criminal justice system on young black people
Friends, Families and Travellers
To better understand the impact of the justice system on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young adults and their families
Transform Justice
Transform Justice plan to observe how young adults are dealt with as defendants in magistrates courts.
The Alliance for Youth Justice
Improving young people’s experiences of transitions
The Police Foundation
To test evidence based approaches to the policing of young adults.
University of Salford
Using an identity lens: working constructively with young adults in the CJS
Child Rights and Youth Justice C.I.C.
Dare to Care: Representing Care Experienced Young People
Release Legal and Emergency Drugs Services
Reducing racial disparity in drug diversion schemes
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