Using an identity lens: working constructively with young adults in the CJS.
To support the development of an identity focused approach into police, prison and probation services for young adults to reduce re-offending.
This project will translate the Beyond Youth Custody (BYC) ‘identity lens’ framework designed for under-18s to working with under-25s and ‘operationalise’ it for the specific context of the adult justice system across policing, custody and probation. The project will achieve this through a collaborative partnership of researchers, policymakers and practitioners. It will examine the opportunities and gaps for operationalising the Beyond Youth Custody (BYC) framework in the adult system, including barriers and enabling factors for implementation. It will establish a common language that can be used to enable improved inter-agency working across the transition from youth to adult justice services. The project will identify local level ‘trailblazer’ sites to pilot the new approaches and evaluate the problems and solutions. Guidance will be produced that will enable the national roll-out of ‘constructive working’ with young adults across the CJS. The project is a collaboration between the University of Salford research team, Nacro, and partner organisations from policy and practice in each of the three sectors.