Rebuilding the lives of young adult Muslims in the CJS
To investigate the experiences of young adult Muslims in the criminal justice system and identify enablers that sustain progress towards rehabilitation.
The Osmani Trust will: 1. investigate the experiences of young adult Muslim offenders (18-25yrs), understand the reasons that led them to offend, their experiences and views about the support services; 2. identify enablers that help sustain young adult Muslim ex-offenders’ progress towards rehabilitation, reintegration and desistance after release from prison or at the end of a community sentence. The Osmani Trust will: a) develop an increased understanding of the experiences of young adult Muslim offenders being accepted in wider society and how that impacts on the successful rebuilding of their lives; b) understand what role families can play in supporting resettlement and how families can be better engaged; c) develop an increased understanding of the potential positive role of faith and how faith based organisations and communities can better support the rebuilding of lives. The research will be relevant for statutory services including central and local government and commissioned service providers.