To make the case for change for young adults in the criminal justice system T2A has built and continues to build an evidence base with our network, statutory bodies, and partners. This evidence base is founded on three main bodies of research: criminology, neurology and psychology. All three fields strongly support the T2A view that young adults are a distinct group with needs that are different both from children under 18 and adults over 25.

Building evidence
Early on in the campaign T2A developed the T2A pathways model to support its advocacy for young adults. This model evolved from six pathway pilot projects. Working with a number of partners in the statutory and voluntary sector, the T2A pilots gave us a significant insight into the needs of young adults and how we might work with practitioners and policy makers to address their needs.
Since the publication of Lost in Transition (2005) our work on young adults in the criminal justice system has consisted of three distinct (but overlapping) phases. Early in the lifecycle T2A focused on building the evidence base and making the case. Currently T2A is focused on embedding the idea of young adult maturity into the mainstream of criminal justice practice, supporting research in that area and developing good practice guidance.
Take a look at what T2A is currently working on
Browse our research so far
Working with practitioners and young adults
How does evidence inform practice and what does it mean for criminal justice services?
T2A works closely with criminal justice professionals and practitioners working with young adults. The lived experience of those young adults informs the evidence T2A is building. T2A recognises the importance of integrating young adult voices into our campaign.
The policy ideas and propositions developed by T2A and its partners and networks influence politicians, policy makers and professional bodies.