T2A research has demonstrated how important is for prison, probation and other resettlement organisations to provide both structural and personal support to young adults.
T2A research has demonstrated how important is for prison, probation and other resettlement organisations to provide both structural and personal support to young adults.
T2A research has demonstrated how important is for prison, probation and other resettlement organisations to provide both structural and personal support to young adults. Most reoffending by young adults occurs in the first three months of release from prison. T2A has found that prison and probation services rarely work together to make the resettlement arrangements for a young adult leaving custody.
‘Through the gate’ peer-mentoring services have been shown to be effective for ensuring continuity of support from prison to community, and for preventing relapse into offending behaviour.
T2A recommends that all prisons should have resettlement plans in place for every young adult at least three months prior to their release and a ‘through the gate’ service should be provided to every young adult leaving custody.