19 October 2023

What’s wrong with remanding young adults to prison: voices and lessons learned

Open report
The title page for the Howard League briefing paper

This briefing paper explores the experiences of young adults on remand, highlighting why a distinct approach is needed.

Publisher: Howard League for Penal Reform

young adults
Young Justice Advisors Impact report: 2016 – 2024

This report highlights the strengths, impact and legacy of the Young Justice Advisors project.
Publisher: Young Justice Advisors

June 2024
Always Hope Evaluation: Final Report

The University of Sussex was commissioned to assess the extent to which the Always Hope project had achieved its intended aims and impact.
Publisher: University of Sussex
Authors: Claire Durrant, Tamsin Hinton-Smith and Lisa Holmes

May 2024
Our sons and daughters: Is maturity considered in the magistrate’s court?

This report examines whether maturity is taken into account during court hearings based on the observations of almost 200 hearings involving a young adult defendant.
Publisher: Transform Justice
Authors: Fionnuala Ratcliffe, Penelope Gibbs