10 October 2023

Rebuilding Lives: Young Muslims from the Criminal Justice System to Community Resettlement

Open report

This report from the Osmani Trust explores the experiences of young Muslims in the criminal justice system and how we can support them towards rehabilitation, resettlement and desistance from crime.

Publisher: Osmani Trust
Authors: Shafiur Rahman, Harun Miah

30 September 2024
The Wayland Pilot: Use of a peer-led scrutiny panel to amplify voices and restore trust in the discrimination complaints system in prison

This report looks at the findings from a Wayland Prison pilot project for minority ethnic young adult prisoners and the discrimination complaints system

July 2024
Young women’s education in prison

This report from Prisoners’ Education Trust (PET) demonstrates the powerful role education plays for young women in prison and on release.
Publisher: Prisoners’ Education Trust
Author: Katy Swaine Williams

young adults
Young Justice Advisors Impact report: 2016 – 2024

This report highlights the strengths, impact and legacy of the Young Justice Advisors project.
Publisher: Young Justice Advisors