9 May 2020

Pre-court diversion for adults: A toolkit for practitioners

Courts and sentencing

Open report

What is pre-court diversion, who can benefit and why do the schemes work? This toolkit outlines to practitioners how effective pre-court diversion could be, explains what it may look like and provides the policy context to develop best practice.

Publisher: Centre for Justice Innovation
Authors: Claire Ely, Bami Jolaoso, Carmen Robin-D’Cruz and Vicki Morris

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Learning from tragedy? The potential benefits, risks and limitations of offensive weapons homicide reviews
Adultifying Youth Custody: learning lessons on transition to adulthood from the use of youth custody for young adults
30 September 2024
The Wayland Pilot: Use of a peer-led scrutiny panel to amplify voices and restore trust in the discrimination complaints system in prison

This report looks at the findings from a Wayland Prison pilot project for minority ethnic young adult prisoners and the discrimination complaints system