Barrow Cadbury Trust Gender/BAME Pay Gaps March 2022

Salaries – Diversity comparisons as at 31 March 2022

Mean salary£57,863£59,948£55,181
Median salary£52,140£52,140£52,140
Gender pay gap (mean)-8.6%
Gender pay gap (median)0%

Upper quartile50%50%
Upper middle quartile50%50%
Lower middle quartile75%25%
Lower quartile50%50%

Racially and ethnically minoritised group

Mean salary£57,863£50,653£61,140
Median salary£52,140£52,140£52,140
REM pay gap (mean)17.2%
REM pay gap (median)0%

Upper quartile0%100%
Upper middle quartile75%25%
Lower middle quartile25%75%
Lower quartile25%75%

As at March 31st 2022 our gender and racially and ethnically minoritised group pay gaps were as above. In an organisation as small as ours (16 staff) any churn in staffing can have a marked impact on results. We calculate by mean (average) and median (the middle salary if all are lined up in a row). These can differ markedly due to the distribution of seniority.

Gender – the staffing complement is nine women and seven men. Our pay gap at the year end was negative 8.6% (mean) and 0% median. This means on average women were paid more than men by 8.6% (mean) and the same on a median basis. In a staff team of this size, we consider this difference marginal.

Racially and ethnically minoritised group (REM). We ask staff to self-define. The staffing complement is 5 REM and 11 non-REM. Our pay gap was 17.2% (mean) and 0% median.

This means on average REM staff were paid 17.2% less on average, but the same on a median basis. This is because no staff in the upper quartile are REM.

Clearly a gap of 17.2% is more than marginal and our progression pay scales will improve this at least over the next few years – it is an improvement from last year when the pay gap was 25.2% (mean) and 11.3% (median). However, we are encouraged by the ‘direction of travel’ insofar as the REM ‘pipeline’ of middle managers will hopefully hold more senior roles in the sector in years to come.