25 July 2022

The Use of Deferred Sentencing in England and Wales. A Review of Law, Guidance and Research

Community sentences, Courts and sentencing, Desistance from crime, Sentencing

Open report

This report looks at the role of deferred sentencing in England and Wales and asks whether courts could make greater use of the power to defer sentencing.

Publisher: Sentencing Academy
Authors: Prof. Julian V. Roberts, Dr Elaine Freer, and Dr Jonathan Bild

July 2024
Young women’s education in prison

This report from Prisoners’ Education Trust (PET) demonstrates the powerful role education plays for young women in prison and on release.
Publisher: Prisoners’ Education Trust
Author: Katy Swaine Williams

young adults
Young Justice Advisors Impact report: 2016 – 2024

This report highlights the strengths, impact and legacy of the Young Justice Advisors project.
Publisher: Young Justice Advisors

June 2024
Always Hope Evaluation: Final Report

The University of Sussex was commissioned to assess the extent to which the Always Hope project had achieved its intended aims and impact.
Publisher: University of Sussex
Authors: Claire Durrant, Tamsin Hinton-Smith and Lisa Holmes