29 April 2021

United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum (UKABIF)

Supporting Transitions to Adult Services in the CJS for young people with acquired brain injuries

To improve support for young people (aged 17-25) with acquired brain injuries making the transition to adult justice services. 

In 2018, The All Party Parliamentary Group  on Acquired Brain Injury, published Time for Change . The report  made a series of recommendations to support young people in the criminal justice system with brain injuries. Brain injury is a known  factor in delayed maturity with research showing that an  estimated 49-72% of young people in custody. 
The project will seek to: 1) Fill several gaps in research evidence related to the treatment of young people with ABI involved in the criminal justice system. 2) Raise awareness of the needs of this cohort by rationalising training for practitioners and understanding how best to embed it into subsequent practice and 4) Ensure the learning which is taking place in silos in some parts of the justice system is disseminated widely. 

United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum