10 July 2015

You Can’t Put a Number On It: A report from young adults on why in criminal justice maturity is more important than age


Open report

How can awareness be developed among CJ professionals of the resilience and maturity of young adults they work with so that the right support can be provided? This report captures young adult lived experiences of the criminal justice process, and conveys their views on how it could work better.

Publisher: Howard League for Penal Reform

offensive weapons homicide reviews, young adults
Learning from tragedy? The potential benefits, risks and limitations of offensive weapons homicide reviews
Adultifying Youth Custody: learning lessons on transition to adulthood from the use of youth custody for young adults
30 September 2024
The Wayland Pilot: Use of a peer-led scrutiny panel to amplify voices and restore trust in the discrimination complaints system in prison

This report looks at the findings from a Wayland Prison pilot project for minority ethnic young adult prisoners and the discrimination complaints system