The Wayland Pilot: Use of a peer-led scrutiny panel to amplify voices and restore trust in the discrimination complaints system in prison
Race and ethnicity, Young adultsOpen report
In November 2023 the Zahid Mubarek Trust (ZMT) looked at developing a pilot project to address the lack of confidence in the prison discrimination complaints system amongst minority ethnic prisoners, with a particular focus on young adult prisoners. The ZMT then delivered that pilot in HMP Wayland from
January to April 2024.
The findings from that pilot are contained in this report. It looked at its remit, the process for carrying out, and the impact the Pilot has had on Wayland prison and the young adults contained in it. The report aimed to share its findings with Diversity & Inclusion Leads (D&I Leads) across the estate, many of who will be looking for effective solutions to improve confidence in the discrimination complaints process.
The Wayland Pilot was designed to inspire creativity, innovation and bravery by championing prisoner voices and building trust in the discrimination complaints system, particularly among minority ethnic and young adult prisoners.